This is the main page text for the Front Page Links module, where there is a picture behind the main text. The text and picture can only be set via
the Control Panel.

This example also features News items to the right
and External Links at the bottom of the page.
News can alternatively be replaced by Events.
These items can all be defined via both the
Control Panel and Management Console.

The picture runs right the way across the
page behind this text ...

<- from here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to here ->

... with the ability to define whether the text is left
or right justified via the Control Panel only. It is
therefore possible to create some interesting effects. In
this example the text is set to align to the left and the
graphic has been created so that it appears to exist only on the right.
News Item 2
26 June 2031
This is the news summary, advising that there is no news today.
News Item 1
25 October 2030
This is the news summary. It can be set via both the Control Panel and Management Console.
Subscript Title
The text that appears here is optional, as is the Subscript Title above. Both can only be defined via the Control Panel. Events and News items are inserted on this page by the News or Events modules respectively, setting the Display on front page option.
Link 1
Test Link 2